Seat Time | A Dirt Bike Podcast

23.8 | How to FEEL the Rider Triangle Position - John Short

Brian Pierce, John Short

John Short is a Supercross and Motocross racer from Texas. He's known for many things, but one is certainly his mustache as of late. Recently he became a first-time father and had wrist surgery. So his life is very different than it was just a few months ago.

As we dove into the big topics of this episode, the Rider Triangle was our focus. I've heard about the perfect rider triangle for too long these days across social media. I knew it was time to dig in and start a deeper discussion.  We also discuss what training, hydration, and nutrition looks like for a professional racer. I was deeply excited about this part of the conversation. We then wrapped up with my traditional Bike/Body/Mind questions.

John Short is a super cool dude, and very down to earth. I really enjoyed our conversation. I hope his wrist heals well and he's back on the Supercross track for 2024. I also hope he and I get a chance to create some content together. I know I could learn a lot from him.

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